Parade: an organized public procession on a festive or ceremonial occasion

In keeping with their mission to engage and inspire, at the end of yesterday’s performance on the Green in Chapel Hill’s Southern Village neighborhood, Paperhand Puppet Intervention invited the audience to join them in the celebratory ritual of parade.

The crowd was costumed in a U-Haul’s load of masks, under the sway of giant puppets all stomping down Market Street to the rhythm of the drums. I was easily swept up and away. Their mission:

Paperhand Puppet intervention is dedicated to bringing many styles of  puppetry and artistic expression to the Triangle area and the world.

These styles include: Giant puppets, masks, stilt dancing, rod puppets, shadows or silhouettes, and anything else we might make at any time.

Our vision is inspired by our love for the earth and its creatures  (including humans) as well as our belief in justice, equality, and peace.

We are committed to creating multi-scaled and multi-disciplinary puppet performances that support this vision.

Paperhand’s mission is to make work that inspires people, promotes social change, and is deeply satisfying for everyone involved.

The puppet shows we create are a synthesis of many art forms  including (but not limited to):sculpting, painting, music, dance, improvisation, costume/set design and theater.

We are celebrants.

We are activists.

We are puppeteers

Our will is set on undermining, and eventually, eradicating the  institutions of greed, hate, and fear that plague the world in myriad forms.

We will work all our lives uncompromisingly to these ends.

Architect swept up in the moment by Paperhand Puppet Intervention